Daily Preschool Schedule
In our preschool we have designed a schedule that integrates free play, peer interaction, direct learning, and structured play. The children are involved in a number of different activities that stimulate their learning, not only of the Italian language, but also of important life and social skills.
8:30 - 9:00 – ACCOGLIENZA
The children arrive at school and are welcomed by the teachers. They can engage in free play with their peers and get used to the school environment.
9:00-9:15 – METTERE VIA
It’s clean up time, when the children and the teachers work together to prepare the environment for learning.
9:15 - 10:00 – PRIMA LEZIONE
This is the actual instructional time, and it can be composed of many different activities. Our kids start the day with a circle time during which they go through their Italian vocabulary and learn new words and expressions, and take the time to express their feeling and talk about them in Italian.
This is also the time when the class starts being filled with music, since singing time in Italian is an important part of our learning style. It is during this PRIMA LEZIONE that the kids have the chance to listen to stories in Italian, read by the teacher both from Italian books or from books specifically written for young learners of the Italian language.
10:00 - 10:45 – MERENDA & INTERVALLO
The children eat snack and engage in some free play inside or outside, depending on the weather.
10:45 - 11:30 – TEMPO DELLA CURIOSITA’
During this time the kids are encouraged to express their creativity using the Italian language, through a variety of different activities. They are divided in groups usually based on age or proficiency levels, and do seasonal crafts, workbook completion, or educational games led by the teacher (like Italian bingo, Italian look and find, number puzzles, color recognition, riddles and rhymes in Italian). When the weather permits, it is during this time that we usually go for walks in the neighborhood, exploring the surrounding areas and learning by actually doing.
11:30 - 11:45 – SECONDO INTERVALLO
A short recess before lunch.
11:45 - 12:15 – PRANZO
Lunch time all together.
12:15 - 12:30 – TUTTI A CASA
The kids get ready to go home, and, if the time allows, read a book or play a bingo match with the teacher.
Need more information?
Please email at info@scuola.us with any questions.