Dear Friends of Scuola Italiana,

For nearly ten years, Scuola Italiana di Portland has had the tremendous pleasure of sharing Italian language and culture with hundreds of individuals and families in Portland metro. While the names and faces have changed over time, one thing has always remained constant – our mission-focused approach.

The board and staff are firmly committed to promoting Italian language and culture to children and adults in a student-centered environment by creating dynamic, inclusive classrooms that foster a deep appreciation for Italian culture.

The school’s mission very naturally intersects with the larger Italian–American community goal to maintain a vital and enduring presence in the region. It is an honor to be a part of such an active, thriving community.

With mission in mind, the board of directors actively seeks to become more involved in Italian-American community initiatives and to expand the selection cultural experiences it offers the larger community. In addition to providing core language education to 162 adults and 85 children during the last year, the school has also:

• introduced English language, Italian culture courses for adults;
• organized an adult language class at a local Italian restaurant;
• created an advanced level, K – 1 after school language class;
• supported local Italian events with children’s games and Italian conversation;
• advertised in a variety of local Italian publications, including L’Italo–Americano and Il Pappagallo;
• donated language lessons to club fundraisers and other community events;
• contributed to KBOO’s Italian Hour;
• partnered with the Italian Business Club to offer a Vendemmia-Inspired Wine Course;
• participated in events such as the Italian Market Place, La Befana, and La Vendemmia; and
• sponsored Portland’s first annual Italian film festival.

Looking ahead, new culture classes and social / networking events are being developed and the school continues to find ways to strengthen its partnership with the Italian-American community.

Did you know that the cost of operating an effective language program for children is inherently high?

Because of the specialized training necessary to teach children and the need for low student teacher ratios, program expenses can often exceed tuition income. While not an ideal business model or easy to sustain over time, we truly believe that instilling Italian language and culture in children is an absolutely vital part of fulfilling our mission, and that our efforts will ultimately strengthen and support Italian heritage in the community.

Please consider a gift to support children’s Italian language education. Your gift of $50, $100, or more will be used to augment the program and will truly work to strengthen the lasting presence of Italian-American culture in Portland metro.

As a 501c3 nonprofit, we offer the same tax benefits as other nonprofit organizations. As a cultural nonprofit and partner of Oregon Cultural Trust, we offer even more. Donors who contribute to Scuola Italiana and then make a matching donation to the Trust, can receive a 100% state tax credit on the Cultural Trust donation, up to $500 per individual, $1,000 per household and $2,500 per Class-C Corporation.

Please make your secure online donation today. As a special thank you, we will recognize your support on our website Giving Page unless requested otherwise. Please include a web address if you wish to link to your business website.

We are fortunate to be a part of such an engaged and supportive community. Thank you for all you do to support Italian culture in Portland. Together we are building a vibrant, lifelong legacy for generations to come.

Sincere regards,

Grazia Solazzi, President
Alessandro Mastrorocco, Vice President
Raffaele Zuccolo, Treasurer
Mirella Rizzatti, Secretary
Bob Iannacone, Director
Joe Cavalli, Director
Marcella Fauci, Director
Tonya Russo Hamilton, Director